My name is Trisha and I’m 72 years old. I quite often think differently from others. I wasn’t the kid who wanted what all the other kids had. I wanted what I wanted. I wasn’t the adult who wanted to get a good job. I wasn’t at my best as a stay-at-home mom. So I juggled family and career. I wanted to be independent and do my own thing! And now I’m a Senior, who appreciates that at this time of my life, I can bend expectations as often as I want to. I love to surprise people! It suits me perfectly.
(Sorry – no! In full disclosure –> That’s not me in the photo above! Here’s an image of me.)
And so, because I failed miserably at retirement (yes, that’s quite contrary all by itself!) – I’m now starting something new – AgeSmart! 411 – sharing my own experience with aging and working to provide the hundreds of great resources out there for others who, like me, aren’t satisfied to grow old “gracefully.”
Wait – what? NOT age gracefully?
Another of my contrarian views…. To me, the concept of “ageing gracefully” (or is it “aging”? Which spelling do you prefer? See our Poll below) means I should begin to act in some way that is expected by others, perhaps slower, or more measured, or polite. That somehow I need to adapt to my situation as if that’s all there is. I got what I got and should be satisfied with it.
Nope. Not gonna happen! That’s just not me. I am a bit too feisty and independent and will resist all those stereotypes of how an older person should behave. And while I’m at it, I’m dragging my husband, my siblings, and my friends along with me. (So far, none of them have resisted!)
It’s time to redefine aging! (or… ageing… see our poll!) And I invite you to come along with me.
Let’s explore the concept of aging independently. That those of us who know that the more vital and active and – Fun, Feisty, and Wise – we stay, the more we can extend our quality of life.
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